As long as I can still say faggot and sodomite, I'll survive. I don't dislike black people, God made all the nations of the Earth of one blood. But LGBT definetly should stand for Let God Burn Them.
And I'll back that up all day with bible. Read Genesis 19, Judges 19, Leviticus 20:13, Deuteronomy 23:17-18, Roman's 1, Jude 4-8.
As long as I can still say faggot and sodomite, I'll survive. I don't dislike black people, God made all the nations of the Earth of one blood. But LGBT definetly should stand for Let God Burn Them.
And I'll back that up all day with bible. Read Genesis 19, Judges 19, Leviticus 20:13, Deuteronomy 23:17-18, Roman's 1, Jude 4-8.