So, the first time I saw the video of the hologram at the capital, I assumed it was done by a pede with way too much free time. Now, there is a second one, this time with what appears to be Michael Jackson. A ton of sources are covering them, including On The Fringe, X22, Santa Surfing. This seems to align with the pranks played in the UK with hacking their digital signage at the parliament and projecting images on the wall, and that one is confirmed.
So - any thoughts? All just LARP and fuckery?
Agreed. Groundwork for disclosure. Even the larps help normalize the concept. This is what we want. Full disclosure. Many just don’t fully grasp how hard it is, how much drip drip drip it takes to wake people up, that’s understandable.
Absolutely. My mom ended up red pilled af and she is like RELEASE IT ALL I WANT THEM TO PAY FOR IT ALL. I'm like no it doesn't work like that. Waking up is bad enough even if you are a moderate or conservative. Some people literally can't handle it. Also keep in mind how many people in America are on anti-psychotics and anxiety meds. "Oh hey guys, literally everything you ever learned is a lie and your favorite guy Obama married a tranny and allowed human trafficking and terrorists attacks just for profit and satan". Oh and we have alien technology and bill gates married a lizard person. Lol
In meditating on my own impatience, I’ve tried to keep this exact sentiment in mind. My own voyage down that rabbit hole shook me up for good while, as what you learn is truly haunting... imagine how many folks in far more dire straights than I would get completely derailed by this shit?
The plan to trust, I think, is that which allows for the most people to be awoken the least violently.
I’m literally going to say it just like you write there. Direct quote. ?