A community suddenly subjected to totalitarian rule always loses its purpose, no matter what its original purpose was. History has shown us such a loss of sense of purpose repeatedly with all communistic, fascistic and socialistic countries. Closer to home we've seen a destruction of free flowing thought and creativity with the censorship of "hate speech" or "disinformation" from the likes of FB, YT, Twatter, and every other Globalist controlled forum.
While moderation is necessary for constructive conversation to move forward sometimes, censorship simply for using words or phrases is always wrong. Words and phrases have no power except what we give them. There is no such thing as universal hate speech. It is always subjective. The fact that some think that there is, is nothing more than a spell cast on us by the Luciferians.
This spell is so powerful apparently that if I type six specific letters in sequence I magically can never speak to any of you ever again. The context doesn’t seem to matter. Who I am or who I am talking to doesn’t seem to matter. Its just six letters that are, when put together more powerful and more magical than all others on the planet. This is their spell, and we chose to live under it when we start banning people for using words.
Is this the Great Awakening, or the group succumbing, once again, to the Luciferians sleep spell?
Quite frankly I don't care how it started, I only care how it ends. There has been a statement by the PTB that banning for using words will now commence. We are supposed to move past that like its no big deal. We are supposed to pretend that the reasons for such a statement matter. They don't.
That statement should never be made. I promise you such a statement will not exist in the REAL Great Awakening. It also should not exist in a place who's sole purpose is to discuss such an event.
PTB = Powers That Be.
What about the optics of real Freedom of Speech? What about leading by example? What about not selling out to the press? If The Great Awakening is not a "safe space" on the web for free speech, then seriously, the Luciferians have already won. Lets just kill ourselves now (because that's what this type of censorship is).