Former Israeli Space security chief (30 years on the job) reveals his insight on the Galactic Federation.
Claims Trump knows and has been asked to not discuss the Federation yet. Space Force has been established by Trump and has secret objectives... Like communicating with a certain Federation.
The real puppet masters aren't the Human elite but hostil E.Ts and the Federation has been cutting the strings to help free humanity.
Fyi the galactic federation has been talked about in the spiritual communities for maybe decades now. I'm reading a book from 90s that talks about how humanity has been puppeted by E.Ts for a very long time. Once you realize that emotion is food, the constent fear and endless wars make more sense. Why hasn't the federation just solve our problems decades ago? Because they are benovlent and understand that we have to wake up ourselves first... They understand that we must evolve and learn from our mistakes instead of simply showing up and solving our problems for us. This community is part of that.
Former security chief, former military and intel officers and even higher ups... are the most commonly used conduits for disinfo. Credentials are for Credence to their "just trust me" stories. Sometimes they're self conscious disinfo agents, sometimes they're unwitting by what they've been carefully fed with, about programs they'd have no business knowing about anyway.
Anything the military can do to obscure top secret weapons and tech programs by creating entire cottage industries of Alien Fantasy scenarios is fair game. If you guys do your due diligence in research and reading, you'd know this is an established playbook for decades. Check out Project Beta for just one example.
Surprised so many gobble this up so easily.