smartbaum 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think this point in particular needs to be mulled over:

This is also how the concept of "let it eat itself," or collapse under its own weight, should be viewed: a failure of strategy. This Leviathan will continue to stack failing ideas on top of each other by externalizing the consequences and devouring more and more resources until it runs out, at which point it will necessarily collapse, and that collapse would kill billions and splinter America, and the west, into Medieval fiefdoms of warlords and terror. We should probably rule that out as an acceptable path.

I am fully open to the possibility that the so called Dissident Right has its own psyop to push for this sort of dystopian vision of inevitable societal collapse, from which to rebuild something post-repubic. It's just that they frame it entirely differently than say the WEF compatbile globalists, because they are two completely different audiences.

The dialectic at work (and this is not just Dissident Right celebrities populating alt media, but also theocratic voices in the Christian Nationalism movement) is pushing for this dilemma of some necessary extreme as the only antidote to the current situation of extreme government corruption. And of course the Dissident Rights like in Poso's world also propose some benevolent strongman, a semi-dictator, just as the Christian Nationalists advocate an end point of some "Christian Caesar" type. Yes they use that exact terminology. Caesar, who we can all recall heralded the end of the Roman republic and the beginning of Empire, with a centralized authority figure based on hereditary and spiritual qualifications. The same of which in principle the Founding Fathers specifically rejected in European models.

So take all that for what it's worth.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

She managed the evacuation of Cheney on 9/11 / CoG.

That tells me she had direct knowledge of Cheney's stand down orders on that day. That's where she got the playbook (allow a tragedy to unfold by stand down orders, later blame it on unfortunate security failures). What she knows about that 9/11 day is probably a two way leverage, requiring her continued favored usage by the DS, and it's held over her own head that she must answer to the DS or be destroyed.

smartbaum 5 points ago +5 / -0

There was zero follow up on her anomalous statement about differences in security: "There is a difference between a sitting president and... continuity of government."

Why didn't anyone ask her what she meant by CoG wrt a political candidate not currently holding office in the government?

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are also often vested interests in disseminating red herring theories, getting immediate viral attention when there's a lot of unanswered questions, and the intent would be to discredit any further investigation past official narrative. This happens with practically every event of significance.

I'm not taking a strong stance either way, just being cautious because of how psy ops within psy ops can play out.

smartbaum 7 points ago +7 / -0

That really is probably how it works for so many of these household name entertainers, isn't it? Sign off on getting official support and financing for some indefinite period of time where you can only go up (with the condition you don't go off script). Theoretically the sky's the limit: Fame. Fulfilled Desires. Adoration worldwide. Even critical acclaim if you work hard enough.

But whenever your number is up, you must and will undergo the humiliation ritual as part of the cashing in. I just wonder how clear this part of the initial contract is. I'm sure many many successful entertainers went through some dark shit phase, realizing "we didn't sign up for this". But its too late, they did whatever they had to do and now leverage is against them. They simply must sear their conscience to a crisp, try to enjoy the ride for however much longer it will last. Drugs the usual go-to to help numb the voice of repressed morals lurking deep within.

smartbaum 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is almost straight out of Big Lebowski:

"We dropped off the money!"


"We, I... the royal we, you know, the editorial... I dropped off the money, exactly as per... Look, man I've got certain information alright?"

smartbaum 2 points ago +3 / -1

Exactly. And just thinking through it, the position (assuming a pro intent on escape) makes no sense. High visibility, poor LOS / angle, complicated and high risk exit availability.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

The most reasonable overview I have come across so far is The Clash of Two Americas Volume 1 by Matthew Ehret. There has been something like a deep state since almost day one, it was really a 5th column serving the interests of the British empire. But that's not the whole story. Two Americas, two competing visions, it wasn't like the cabal was the only one with the upper hand the whole time. Give it a read.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Astute observation.

I agree it is not power. They concede any power and self sovereignty to the most convincing, coherent, authority message and image that does not deviate nor perturbe the accepted blob of common knowledge ("common knowledge" itself continually redefined in a closed feedback loop curated by social engineers).

In my own thoughts trying to reverse engineer this mindset, I can only think of a Venn diagram union of several channels and developments to make it inevitable. Of course Mockingbird Media is key in providing the details for what to believe. But minds fertile for Mockingbird messaging need to have been tilled a certain way. So for that I think the broader social imaginary is at work; specifically about this idea of assigning a higher value to identity groups over individuals. So for example, if an individual demonstrates critical thinking independent of or contrary to some top-down information messaging from some authoritative entity, to them this is a vice not a virtue. For them, the virtuous path is to maintain a coherent group identity, even if shifting and contradictory messaging is required to maintain it.

This is of course happening on a subconscious psychological level, but seems very real.

There's also the longer history leading to this The big trajectory seems to start with Hegel. TikHistory on Youtube has an excellent video breaking down Hegel's key ideas that shaped Marx and Socialism, and explains why the Socialistic intelligentsia since then tend to be intellectually incoherent and evasive about reasoning for their views. Recommended watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kzZoK5CtJ8

smartbaum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Shelly Duvall a few days ago. Sad that her mental state seemed to decline significantly in her final years.

RIP Olive Oil / Wendy Torrance

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's not convincing evidence of a second shooter.

However, Redacted just posted a report showing a RSBN wide angle shot with some kind of figure at the top of the water tower, clearly moving in and out of view before during and after the shots. Very grainy but it's PRESUMABLY not doctored if from an RSBN livestream.

smartbaum 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sorry, not buying the Pulp Fiction style divine intervention with the bullets. I'm not saying there's no divine plan that he was not killed that day, clearly that was the plan. I'm saying there is zero evidence or reason to believe God literally came down and forced Trump to turn his head just that way at just that right millisecond because the outcome was impossible otherwise. That's just not defensible.

I've done shooting in the field and on the homestead, and experienced hunters/snipers etc can attest that barely missing a head shot because of sudden head movement is NOT unusual. At distance and depending on circumstances, position, timing, the nerves and psychological state of the shooter, it can almost be expected.

The head shot is the most difficult kill shot because of exactly what we all saw, the head is the most animated, unpredictably moving, and smallest lethal zone of the body. You can keep waiting for a moment of stillness but that doesn't guarantee there isn't more head turning/movement during the trigger pull. Especially when it comes to an energetic speaker like DJT. Why is this not being grasped?

smartbaum 3 points ago +3 / -0

So many "patriots" are so full of suspicion and self righteousness they can't recognize cross cultural and cross religious allies for common cause of restoring liberty and the republic, if it bit them in the arse.

History lessons are being missed. Do your homework on the international dimensions of the movement that led to the War for Independence. There were numerous allies to these republican principles of liberty:

  • the Russian intelligentsia,
  • Muslim Indian leader Hydar Ali & his son (fought imperialist British troops abroad, in solidarity with the Americans. He even used proto-missile technology to annihilate the enemy)
  • Emperor Sid Mohammed of Morocco (which was the FIRST country in the world to recognize American nationhood)

And so on. All that we ought to be fighting for and standing for was never just for white Anglo/European Christians. Clearly. The neo-integralist Christian Nationalism movement has all the characteristics of a psy op trying to convince MAGA otherwise. A big part of how they do it is rewriting/ignoring history as well as pushing the fake Race Realism narrative to lead to a balkanization of the U.S. along ethnic and religious fractures.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lost me at GOP "biblical roots" lol. Its a farking political party not a seminary.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

So that JP2 could live on to the later years of approval of and facilitating the concealing and reshuffling of pedophile priests?

The papacy didn't suddenly become corrupt and deceitful with the latest clown.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's cancelling the tour probably because of death threats. Like serious death threats. Think about the joke. It's not just about hating Trump, its about the precedent that we can think positively about the idea of murdering a public figure if we don't happen to like that public figure. Well, celebs are public figures too. So he's probably worried about the boomerang effect at this point. Of course that is not justified in any sense, but that is probably the reality of the bottom feeder level of political disagreement in our society at this point. How much lethal violence is fashionable?

smartbaum 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wonder if they were forced to orchestrate their own demise..

Yeah we really have to consider this is what's going on. I just can't see how any of these self absorbed celebs can still assume their public comments and behavior won't blow up in their face when they cross a line. There's been dozens of examples in recent years that no one puts up with this "separate the artist from the art" shit anymore

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

What you say is true, but at the same time the scenario of a second shooter from that same angle truly over complicates the cover up. There was a clear visual on the kids minutes before and during the shots. That means at least two living witnesses to the kid not actually taking aim and firing.

Secondly, there would have had to be another vantage point further back from that building, similar height and not too far away, and fully concealed position, within the reasonable AR-15 accuracy window, even for a pro to get that close to a head shot (assuming a headshot was intended).

smartbaum 1 point ago +2 / -1

VANCE IS DEEP STATE. The connections couldn't be stronger. He would be a political nobody without his globalist funding channels.


Let's give this thought a try: Send a message to Trump that he needs to AXE Vance and find someone who is demonstrably able to serve the interests of WE THE PEOPLE and not these globalist goons.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrong Choice. Apparently a lot of dark money associated with Vance.

One thing DJT is consistent about; he never appears to have situational awareness about who to surround himself with. I understand the theory that he selects dubious characters to highlight certain corruption associated with them and such, but I'm not convinced that's what he's always doing.

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