Jesus does not return until after the Temple is rebuilt and the Anti-Christ sits himself on the throne and declares himself God.
That hasn't happened, so Jesus is has not returned. Jesus also returns at the end of tribulation. And tribulation has not started yet
Also The Bible is clear about HOW Jesus will return and it's not quiet/sneaky.
I also believe that believers will be taken to heaven at some point during tribulation. I personally believe in pre-trib, but even if it's mid-trib, Jesus woudln't return until afterwards.
Now, I DO believe part of the Q team could be a prophet of the Lord. Not saying it is or isn't, but I am open to that possibility.
Since Yahshua-Jesus is the Alpha and Omega-the Beginning and the End then Only He could Truly show that Future Proves Past. Now that would be a MIND BLOWING Revelation to say the least-Just sayin
You obviously haven't read the book of Revelation when he comes back. He throws the beast in the false prophet alive into the lake of fire, sounds like an execution to me
The beast is a system of government, Yesuha is still an executioner. You remember Daniel's dream the rock that comes down from heaven and breaks the statue
Why do you think I stopped short of insulting your intelligence and instead just pointed out that it looked like a post a shill would make (without actually accusing you of being a shill)? Honestly, this was a stupid post. You wanted feedback, you got it. Don’t ask questions if you can’t handle the answers.
Q is NOT JESUS - it is a team of HUMANS.
Or maybe a Quantum Computer-that too would be mind blowing, not Quite as much as Q being Jesus but still pretty much Out There...
No I do not believe Q is Jesus and here is why:
Jesus does not return until after the Temple is rebuilt and the Anti-Christ sits himself on the throne and declares himself God.
That hasn't happened, so Jesus is has not returned. Jesus also returns at the end of tribulation. And tribulation has not started yet
Also The Bible is clear about HOW Jesus will return and it's not quiet/sneaky.
I also believe that believers will be taken to heaven at some point during tribulation. I personally believe in pre-trib, but even if it's mid-trib, Jesus woudln't return until afterwards.
Now, I DO believe part of the Q team could be a prophet of the Lord. Not saying it is or isn't, but I am open to that possibility.
Since Yahshua-Jesus is the Alpha and Omega-the Beginning and the End then Only He could Truly show that Future Proves Past. Now that would be a MIND BLOWING Revelation to say the least-Just sayin
Pinkos say they don't believe in either but they sure seem to waste a lot of their time and effort b*tching about both.
While I do think Jesus is actively helping us, and may be alive on Earth (or above) with the good guys, I do not think he is Q.
Removed. Off topic. Uh, believe it or not, this content would be more suitable for Thank you for understanding.
Jesus does not carry out executions.
You obviously haven't read the book of Revelation when he comes back. He throws the beast in the false prophet alive into the lake of fire, sounds like an execution to me
There are two beasts if I remember correctly. But if I understood correctly, neither is a human being.
The beast is a system of government, Yesuha is still an executioner. You remember Daniel's dream the rock that comes down from heaven and breaks the statue
I haven't read the book but now I feel like I need to-- mind blown
You are tripping.
That is cool. We just have to wait and see.
No, Q is not Jesus. Q is a person who’s nickname came from when he introduced himself as a “Q Clearance Patriot”, referring to his security clearance.
This sort of post looks like a shill post to bait retards and get evidence of how “Q is a cult” and “Look they think Q is Jesus!”
Why do you think I stopped short of insulting your intelligence and instead just pointed out that it looked like a post a shill would make (without actually accusing you of being a shill)? Honestly, this was a stupid post. You wanted feedback, you got it. Don’t ask questions if you can’t handle the answers.
OP wasn't stating that Q was Jesus, OP is asking a question.
What is wrong with asking questions around here???
OP’s Question: “Could Q be Jesus?”
Answer: “No, Q is not Jesus.”
I recommend you lurk on this site more instead of posting.
He was being sarcastic.