Did you know this is happening in the UK
? These people are stupid!
My son-in-law is from England, where his widowed Mother and sister still live. The citizens there each have a “bubble” in which they list 5 people in which they are allowed to be around, and no one else. Imagine only being allowed to spend any extended time with those in your “bubble”? I’m beginning to wonder if the depopulation secondary plan also involves mass suicides......
I’m sorry it’s so bad for you and we see the DS handwriting here as well and it’s scary. I pay attention to what is going on. I’ve prepped. I’ve made relationships with neighbors to create a community. I’m watching. The question is will the 75+million voters roll with the fear driven reports. Will they tolerate and submit? So far this is a terrible movie. The question is will the people unite because pocket resistance won’t create change. It has to be a ground swell. And I think it’s now in the coming weeks and months. Don’t give up!