Day 2 Peach Mints - Mods - Can We Get A Sticky???
Good morning, Patriots. I hope you are well rested and ready to spear-head this Day 2! It was a pleasure being in your company yesterday and a comfort when I felt things might not be going the best directions.
The Senate will be kicking off the proceedings today at 12 EST.
How is everyone feeling this morning????
I would love to sit down and have this discussion with you over coffee sometime. These are the histories people need to know about. Because all of this is blocked from "the books" there is no reason for sheep to suspect there is anything nefarious happening in the background.
With Q, many began taking interest in history which was good because our government has been actively trying to erase history for decades. They know that history is where the most important knowledge comes from. History exposes people that have been involved in bad deeds etc and so on.
History was harder to know about before the internet because that typically meant going to a library and many never cared for that. I'm only 42 so the internet was becoming a real thing when I was a teenager. Sometimes it would be just sitting at a computer late at night, I've always had pretty bad insomnia but late at night I would look up seemingly random shit.
It only takes one time seeing something of interest to go down a seemingly never ending rabbit hole. I can't remember her name but it was something like 400 years ago, this woman, I think countess, she killed 600 or more servant girls to drink their blood to maintain youth. That probably was some type of old adrenochrome harvesting.
As individual citizens, we cannot really do anything about anything but we can try to have government on the local levels work for us. It starts with cities then counties then states and when that happens, the federal government can be made to work for us.
Here in FL, our governor basically gave the government the middle finger and any cities or counties not doing right. He's never had a mask mandate, he made sure to make it so that cities and counties in FL cannot fine, detain, arrest, or anything to anyone not wearing a mask. People wear the masks because they're sheep thinking this strain of the flu is a pandemic when it's not.
Looking at the past makes everything happening today and has happened in recent years so much more clear. Not everyone is supposed to be in government or positions of power, and that's ok because not everyone wants that or isn't good at that.
Often people fail to realize the importance of everyday people. Trump would talk to his employees, from the maids to construction workers on a new project and ask how they're doing, if they need anything etc. Trump never forgot that those people are the reason he is rich. Without them there would be no Trump tower or anything.
The government has to begin to realize that without support of we the people, the government cannot do anything.
I just saw this when I refreshed the page. Now they are trying to put a ban on FL travel....
Lucky for me I have no plans on leaving FL, especially now days. Also though, here where I'm at, today the high was 83F with a low of 65F. All week will be high 70s low 80s with lows in the high 60s for the middle of February. With that said though, that piece of shit kid sniffing Joe Biden can fuck off.
He is not and never will be my president. Biden is trying to fuck with FL because it won't be too much longer until spring break which of course is one of the times of the year FL makes a killing from tourism but that's ok. Now days, I honestly don't think I'd want people from other states coming here mucking up this beautiful tropical state.
I have seen so much proof that Q has been right about things that I believe 100% that Q and whoever is involved with Q will come through for us. I just hope they understand that while patience is important, we can't let these snakes like Biden screw up too much in America.
This can backfire on Q and stoke worse divisions if it drags out too long. I believe this impeachment trial will be more important than we realize. I believe the juicy important bits of the impeachment will not take place until the weekend.