Madeleine Dean is not only opening the door, but she is making it a huge part of the Dems' case against Trump. How dare he question the election?
Easy pickings for Trump's team to play tape after tape of Dems questioning election results ... not to mention calling Trump's 2016 election illegitimate to this very day.
These people are stupid.
It's right on par for these people. This is how they've always been. Even before Trump they just straight-up lied all the time, and also just completely made shit up just as they do now.
The only reason it seems they're being more blatant and obvious about it is that we're awake but other than that it's business as usual and the reason why most normies still don't see it. (Some of it's due to their plans being rushed, but it's just them doing the exact same thing they've always done, only at a more rapid pace)
Most normies are probably demoralized because of COVID lockdowns and think that Biden is the cure and if Trump not being president gets them back to their normal lives, they don’t care.
It’s like a small form of “Orange man bad” that the normies swallow.