Madeleine Dean is not only opening the door, but she is making it a huge part of the Dems' case against Trump. How dare he question the election?
Easy pickings for Trump's team to play tape after tape of Dems questioning election results ... not to mention calling Trump's 2016 election illegitimate to this very day.
These people are stupid.
Yes, we have positive indicators like Trump being happy, Trump's lawyers being former prosecutors who specialize in presenting evidence, one of his lawyers yesterday saying "the floodgates are opened", and the Q post deltas this month.
But I'm not counting on Trump's team to drop the bombshells during this trial. The Great Reveal might be slower than we thought. Datefagging has gotten us nowhere except fueled the MSM's hit pieces on 'QAnon'. I trust the plan, even though none of us know what it is or when big things will happen. Any source who claims they know the specifics of the plan is a fraud.
That said, do I think it's far more likely the bombshell evidence is dropped next week and the rest of this month than on any random week/month of the year? Of course!