I don’t feel sorry for this guy at all. Votes for Biden and gets what he deserves.
A lot of you on here are more merciful then me. But I’ve had it with these people and I think why Q said it had to be this way was because people like this moron won’t wake up until it really starts affecting them.
No problem man, just don't forget to flip the bird at based maga patriots in the same boat. Sympathy works both ways.
I know a few, I could get you in touch with them if you want, you could tell em how you really feel on the topic.
Aces man, aces.
Eh, don't mind me, sorry to give you the hard time. Just a lot of people on here saying the same or worse, not thinking about the patriots in the same boat.
How many liberals will it actually effect though? So many are on government dole...welfare, medicaid, Medicare, mass health, etc
My mom voted biden and two in the family (adopted) need epi pens. But the masshealth covers their costs so they don't see the repercussions of the policies they vote for...
I don’t feel sorry for this guy at all. Votes for Biden and gets what he deserves. A lot of you on here are more merciful then me. But I’ve had it with these people and I think why Q said it had to be this way was because people like this moron won’t wake up until it really starts affecting them.
No problem man, just don't forget to flip the bird at based maga patriots in the same boat. Sympathy works both ways.
I know a few, I could get you in touch with them if you want, you could tell em how you really feel on the topic.
Aces man, aces.
Eh, don't mind me, sorry to give you the hard time. Just a lot of people on here saying the same or worse, not thinking about the patriots in the same boat.
How many liberals will it actually effect though? So many are on government dole...welfare, medicaid, Medicare, mass health, etc
My mom voted biden and two in the family (adopted) need epi pens. But the masshealth covers their costs so they don't see the repercussions of the policies they vote for...