The programming upon the masses is so fierce and diabiolical and intelligent from the left. The hearings today were hard to stomach. Absolute lies. If Trump was going to call for an Insurrection it would have gone down much differently than the 6th breach. Do you feel like our country still has a chance to pull out of this downward spiral of moral depravity and Godlessness? It seems like things are just drifting away and we are out on our own now.
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Agreed. It's because we've been bent over our whole lives and people have grown accustomed to it. It's like that abusive relationship someone here mentioned a couple of months back.
Whether or not there is/was crime is not the question for most. It's will anything be done about it ?
" Do people really believe the biggest scandal in modern US history will go unpunished ? "
" People actually believe those responsible for the attempted coup [coup attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished? "