I cannot express how much this community has helped me during this dark time. Without you, these last few months would have been nothing short of suicidal.
To watch America, Canada, UK and the last of the free West fall to the influences of Chinese communism is extremely distressing. We left that country because we didn't want anything to do with it. To witness this again is unfathomable.
But we have a chance now. Even if it means nuclear annihilation of millions. If we can save humanity, we're willing to pay the price.
Dear President Trump. If you need us, we will be there for you.
If it means we have to die to save the American way of life, we are ready.
Thank you to this community. Thank you to Q.
Thank you, President Trump.
I don't know how you escaped but I'm glad that you did. My great-grandparents fled Italy to get away from Mussolini. Must be something about doing that that puts a fire in your veins for your freedom that I believe does get passed down in some way, shape or form.