I, guiltily, still have netflix. I watched The Vanished last night. I hate to ruin for anyone but there is a pedophile in the movie and he's NOT 'the' bad guy. Go figure! The grieving, mentally ill, and (conveniently) murderous parents, who are missing their child, are the bad guys.
I, guiltily, still have netflix. I watched The Vanished last night. I hate to ruin for anyone but there is a pedophile in the movie and he's NOT 'the' bad guy. Go figure! The grieving, mentally ill, and (conveniently) murderous parents, who are missing their child, are the bad guys.
What better way to normalize peophilia? Make the pedo the hero.
And you are being upvoted for you presumptive honesty while you knowingly continue feeding the Beast.
Learn how to torrent. Give the Beast nothing.
My son talks of torrent, I'm not very internet savvy. I'll try to ask him about it though. Thanks!
Be still, my beating heart..... pray tell!