96 It would be a shame if this got out (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by IronPatriot916 4 years ago by IronPatriot916 +97 / -1 20 comments download share 20 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Context is important. Sending nudes to a consenting adult is not illegal, evil, nor immoral.
If consenting adult then posts them, sells them, circulates them with out the person's consent, that is wrong.
This photo doesn't mean much.
I believe it has more to do with her character. She is a manager in a unconstitutional impeachment trial of a former president. Her moral compass is way off.
Do you see a child?
There are some things that simply can not be unseen.
Well, guess I'm going to know what it feels like when I pour bleach in my eyes!
This is probably part of the blackmail material he had on her.
I think these were leaked in 2017. I could be wrong.
Should still be shared everywhere if it involves children.
Evil is as evil does
Lmao calling out big tiddie pics as "evil" ain't gonna win the culture war, my man.
You go girlfriend
Gee, another Demtard skank is revealed, this is my surprised face.
Oops! ???
Lets hope Stacy Abrams doesn't have a dic pics floating around
HOW is this on Q??