Suicide weekend?
Hands up?
We are in control.
BIG week ahead.
30 is 30 months from the day that was posted which is Feb 26th 2021. The 28 is signifying the 28 days in the month of Feb. It's the start of a weekend. Suicide weekend? Hands up? Arrests? Big Week ahead? March 4th is old innauguration date. NG slated to leave DC after middle of March.
On March 4th 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) is sworn in as the 32nd President of the United States. It is the last time Inauguration Day in the United States occurs on March 4.
There's also been rumors that Trump hotel in DC has abnormally high rates for that week but I've been unable to confirm that on their website.
Excellent scalping opportunity. Reserve every room in DC.
Yes, the price for a room is 3x as high as normal. But who knows whether it's just anons booking rooms because they think something will happen on March 4th, or it's the hotel management wanting no guests on that day.
Yes the rate jumps to $1745 march 3rd and 4th.
17 and 45. Interesting!!
Lots of Hopium here!