And when you thought this world couldn't get any stupider, here comes idiotic stuff like this, ready to blow your expectations out of the water!
Comments (13)
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Like smoking weed but not inhaling....
check side bar. That way ------------------>>>
"Keep it quick" finally! I have an excuse!
??? OMG, my sides, that was hilarious!
OMG - this sounds like the precursor to the demolition man with Sylvester Stallone and Sandra bullock - the no touch sex lol
Our newly nominated assistant health secretary dude in a wig racheal levine also had guidance
Kissing increases oxytocin, I think. If the previous statement is true, then removing kissing between sexual partners reduces the bond between them, and this could lead to destabilization of relationships between sexual partners.
All of the previous is purely conjecture; I have no sources.
We already have this. It's called social media monkey-branching. There is no incentive to stay loyal and work on your relationships when you have an exit door in your pocket with plenty of online validation from complete strangers to compensate for your low self-esteem.
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. I meant destabilization of currently stable relationships between sexual partners. I was thinking of how BLM was promoting the destruction of the nuclear family.
Well the goal IS the destruction of the nuclear family and eventual depopulation of society.... which is odd considering they're pushing for rampant sex (and the resulting wave of STD's) in all angles of culture as well as the increase in migrant populations that are being brought in to destabilize existing demographics.
Well if it keeps commies from breeding...