Somebody said on Telegram last night that we all died on 12/21/12 and what we perceive now to be real is only a reality that our consciousness has created.
Nope, because if my consciousness was creating a reality, I’d be skinny in it LOL. But there are things happening - there is a God and He has heard the cries of the babies/children, and the prayers of His people, and He is about to make some changes.
I’m reading the book “The Great Controversy” that was handed out in DC on Jan 6th. It describes how the Romans invaded Jerusalem and the Christians were saved with the protection of God. The corrupt were burned and killed. I am new to reading Biblical texts. But I just read this today on the plane and it resonated with me that the same scenario is happening now in DC. And I’m really expecting that something heavenly or not if this world is aiding Trump.
God is definitely in this. The founding fathers made a covenant with Him - the United States is His nation and He has said “Enough!” He is intervening, but it isn’t just about the election steal - that is only part of the much bigger picture. He has been telling His prophets that we will begin to see things that are “strange”, things we’ve never seen before in the natural, but that He has not abandoned His people and we should not be afraid (unless we’ve aligned ourselves with evil). The best IS yet to come.
The signs in the heavens happened several years ago...I've been watching this in slow mo for what seems like a life time
Somebody said on Telegram last night that we all died on 12/21/12 and what we perceive now to be real is only a reality that our consciousness has created.
Nope, because if my consciousness was creating a reality, I’d be skinny in it LOL. But there are things happening - there is a God and He has heard the cries of the babies/children, and the prayers of His people, and He is about to make some changes.
well, somebody's smoking bath salts! lol
How interesting. Any evidence given for this hypothesis?
I’m reading the book “The Great Controversy” that was handed out in DC on Jan 6th. It describes how the Romans invaded Jerusalem and the Christians were saved with the protection of God. The corrupt were burned and killed. I am new to reading Biblical texts. But I just read this today on the plane and it resonated with me that the same scenario is happening now in DC. And I’m really expecting that something heavenly or not if this world is aiding Trump.
God is definitely in this. The founding fathers made a covenant with Him - the United States is His nation and He has said “Enough!” He is intervening, but it isn’t just about the election steal - that is only part of the much bigger picture. He has been telling His prophets that we will begin to see things that are “strange”, things we’ve never seen before in the natural, but that He has not abandoned His people and we should not be afraid (unless we’ve aligned ourselves with evil). The best IS yet to come.