Eph612 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did anybody else take part in this? I thought it was wonderful! If you missed it and want to see it, you can watch the recorded version here: https://rumble.com/v55wrmu-live-night-of-prayer-for-the-nation-and-the-trump-family.html

Eph612 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don’t have to have your governor sign a proclamation - God doesn’t care where you are. People all over the Country should join with the people of TN in prayer asking God to heal not only their States, but the Nation.

Eph612 3 points ago +3 / -0

Streaming on Ark of Grace Ministries social media platforms (Rumble, Substack, FB, YouTube, etc). Guests include Amanda Grace, Eric & Lara Trump, General Flynn, Rudy Guiliani, Robin Bullock, Donee Clement, and many more. Praying for Trump and family, and for our Nation.

Eph612 2 points ago +2 / -0

But demons DO have to submit to God’s laws. This is a spiritual battle first - battles in the spiritual realm are reflected in the natural. This is happening on God’s timetable and because of Jesus’ sacrifice, evil cannot stand against God’ purposes. The Bible tells us God’s purposes are higher than ours, so it’s hard for us to understand and it’s hard to wait. But God is not the underdog here - the war is already won. God wins!

Eph612 1 point ago +1 / -0

The other thing is, what did we think he was talking about when he kept calling them the “fake news” and the “enemy of the people”. Who listened to him? Who trusted him?

Eph612 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love “It Is Well With My Soul”

Eph612 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of my very favorite hymns.

Eph612 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nope, I don’t think so. Pray God, he won’t.

Eph612 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is so much has happened over the years - I am so grateful for what I’ve learned here so far, and I’m awake for sure! But how am I ever going to catch up? I want to because I know if I just had ALL the pieces of the puzzle, the victory (when it comes) would be so much sweeter! I really want to be able to fully appreciate all that’s happened, and what is coming because I believe God is behind it and it’ll be glorious.

Eph612 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not when it’s part of the bigger plan. There have been others, including Christ, who understood the bigger picture and submitted to their role in facilitating it for the good of others. I don’t think Trump does any of this for himself. If it’s humiliating, so be it. “They’re not after me, they’re after YOU. I’m just standing in their way.” That’s the objective. He loves America enough to set aside what all this means for him personally. That is a man God can use, and I believe that’s what’s happening. There’s honor in a sacrifice for the greater good.

Eph612 7 points ago +7 / -0

That was me, too. When I saw how they attacked him, it made me look closer at what their agenda might be. What were they trying to hide, and why were they so terrified of him? Maxine Waters declaring they would impeach him before he was even elected seemed way over the top to me. I don’t always like that he gets a bit too theatrical - I think it sometimes makes it harder for sensible people to come around to the truth, because the theatrics play into the drama the DS uses to discredit him. So God bless and protect him. It’s not getting any easier for him. They are clearly hell-bent on destroying him, and he needs massive prayer support - now more than ever.

Eph612 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow! The Great Awakening personified. This is what we all hope for: more of the same!! God bless her for being courageous enough to talk about it!

Eph612 6 points ago +6 / -0

I believe this is a man who has begun to listen to the voice of the Spirit, and I believe Melania is a huge influence in that regard. Praying that God will continue to protect and give peace to this family and that He will lead DJT to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus. Amen

Eph612 2 points ago +2 / -0

So sorry your wife is suffering. May God strengthen and heal her, and comfort both of you and give you peace.

Eph612 3 points ago +3 / -0

My daughter’s in-laws came to visit two weeks ago and she had said to me, “No talking politics or COVID” because they lean left. So I respected her wishes and was keeping my mouth shut. Imagine my surprise when Trump’s name was brought up, and not in a negative way! And then comments about the media and the lies and how they are trying to manipulate all of us! Apparently there is a grown son (20s) who’s awakened, sharing and being respected/heard. I was super encouraged.

Eph612 4 points ago +4 / -0

However it is that God created them, they’re magnificent! We live quite close to the Eagle River in the mountains of BC, near the Rockies. The salmon run in our river, and the eagles follow them so we’ve had the privilege of seeing several - sometimes 2-3 at once - soaring overhead. I always thank God in those moments for what they represent. Even so far above us as they soar, you can always see the white head and tail feathers and the tilt at the wing tips. I am always in awe of their majesty.

Eph612 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is Milley actually trans, or this is photoshopped?

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