Need some encouragement
New Fren
I’ve been dooming pretty hard today. My husband and I are trying to plan a trip to Hawaii for our anniversary in April, but now my husband isn’t really eager to go anymore because they’re talking about those stupid vaccine passports. I’m just losing hope that Trump and the military are gonna do something and starting to worry that this is really just how things are gonna be now. I just really want something new to get my hopes back up.
You can't give up! Our patriotic teachers are so outnumbered its scary. The liberal teachers are not only pushing their values onto the children but in some states are holding the children's education hostage, because they hate Trump. We need amazing people like you to be there to make sure our kids are safe and that the school isn't pushing their agenda onto the kids. You're a good person, thank you so much for all you do for those kids. I cant tell how much you love them. I couldn't even imagine being a teacher in these times.. The reward for all your hard work was the smiles you saw when a child finally understood, got a good grade, won student of the month, etc. I think its criminal to force the kids to cover their face. I'm so sorry that this is what teaching has become. But if you give up it will be one less patriot teaching our kids, and the trust of our education system is declining. You matter.