posted ago by 8thGenPatriot ago by 8thGenPatriot +145 / -1

I was just reading a post about how someone came to Christ, and the comments were filled with others saying the same. They had either found God, or recommitted to Him during these trying times.

To all of you out there, I want to say that I am overjoyed to name you all as brothers and sisters in Christ.

If anyone finds themselves struggling, doubting, questioning, I want to help. I'm no great scholar. I've just been born and raised in the church. I can't promise to have answers, but I'll do my best.

I may be opening up the floodgates to something I'm completely unprepared for, but I want you to comment, message me, whatever you're most comfortable with.

I'm also on communities.win/c/Christianity/ where I'll be starting up a series of deep dives on popular passages of Scripture like the Parable of the Sower and the Armor of God, based on Bible studies that I wrote years ago. Fair warning, they get a little bit nerdy and technical sometimes, but there are so many layers of meaning to explore. It's truly astounding how much wisdom can be packed into relatively few words.

I hope to hear from you soon. God bless.