775 Uhhh, excuse me, Mr. Pan-sexual pedovore Deep State POS? Got a sec? SEE THIS? YEAH, NO, NO THANKS, THIS IS THE MOST *SACRED* WORD OF ALL TO US, AND YEAH, WE'RE ***NEVER*** GOING TO 'STOP' USING *THIS* WORD... UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD. Looking at you, Podesta. Looking at you, Abramovic. WE ARE COMING. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by catsfive [M] 4 years ago by catsfive +777 / -2 150 comments download share 150 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Same, I was pregnant and 19 with my first child. She died of cancer. My life has never been the same. I often wonder how many times in my life would have been different had she lived into old age.
God always takes the good ones early.
That's why Biden lived to 78!
I know, I've said the same thing so many times, myself. My mom had cancer, too.