Everything happening appears unrelated. It looks like the world is just getting rocked over and over by unrelated, surprising events. Whether it's perverts arrested, HCQ revealed, Project Lincoln implosion, Fauci called a murderous thief by a sitting governor, Potatus told to Fuck Off by the same dude, PCR tests revealed fake, GME squeeze, impeachment ass whooping, weird stuff happening at the "White House", insanity at the "Inauguration", troops overstaying any rational explanation or Cuomo being thrown to the DNC dogs - in every instance, the President appears to have played no role. Normies heads are spinning. the media looks more and more stupid trying to piece together explanations. Pressure is building. Beads of blood showing on their ashen nervous faces. This week, with the first scent of blood, the DNC wolves pounced on Cuomo and began tearing him to shreds. Before the first strip of flesh was torn from his body, another completely unrelated bomb went off. The garbage "senator" from Georgia exposed along with Two Ton Bucktooth. The DNC wolves will soon alternate tearing flesh from all three of them. Still, President Trump's hands are clean. Please, pause to admire the artwork, the masterpiece of this orgy of pain. And as the filth circle their co-conspirator, now wounded victims, they are all watching, scared that they will be next. Imagine the head counting each and every day! Who is meeting with whom? Who's texting which Feds? Who the Hell's voice is on the White House Youtube video saying that he took a plea deal? Fear, pain, tearing flesh. Do Enjoy the movie, for we have thus been commanded by the director.
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Did you ever really think about what "infiltration not invasion" means?
It works both ways. I think you're going to continue to see the carnage.
Aoc and the squad
So over the top to the point of ridiculousness, that they've pushed the entire left to go extreme.