Everything happening appears unrelated. It looks like the world is just getting rocked over and over by unrelated, surprising events. Whether it's perverts arrested, HCQ revealed, Project Lincoln implosion, Fauci called a murderous thief by a sitting governor, Potatus told to Fuck Off by the same dude, PCR tests revealed fake, GME squeeze, impeachment ass whooping, weird stuff happening at the "White House", insanity at the "Inauguration", troops overstaying any rational explanation or Cuomo being thrown to the DNC dogs - in every instance, the President appears to have played no role. Normies heads are spinning. the media looks more and more stupid trying to piece together explanations. Pressure is building. Beads of blood showing on their ashen nervous faces. This week, with the first scent of blood, the DNC wolves pounced on Cuomo and began tearing him to shreds. Before the first strip of flesh was torn from his body, another completely unrelated bomb went off. The garbage "senator" from Georgia exposed along with Two Ton Bucktooth. The DNC wolves will soon alternate tearing flesh from all three of them. Still, President Trump's hands are clean. Please, pause to admire the artwork, the masterpiece of this orgy of pain. And as the filth circle their co-conspirator, now wounded victims, they are all watching, scared that they will be next. Imagine the head counting each and every day! Who is meeting with whom? Who's texting which Feds? Who the Hell's voice is on the White House Youtube video saying that he took a plea deal? Fear, pain, tearing flesh. Do Enjoy the movie, for we have thus been commanded by the director.
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I haven't seen it all written out like this. It really doesn't make any sense. Unless people have flipped.
With all of the smaller pedo rings being caught... it's only a matter of time before the small guys start flipping on the big guys. It's exactly how Giuliani got the mob. You take down the smaller rings and work your way up the food chain.
This is an incoming landslide. The smaller stones are already falling. Only a matter of time for the big stones to follow.
And hey, maybe some of the big ones have fallen, and we just don't know about it, yet. I don't know. But I do find it interesting that in the last few weeks SO many human trafficking operations have been caught. Why would that be happening if Biden was really in control? It doesn't make any sense. It's getting curiouser and curiouser.
That is a good point that no one is talking about.
Biden has been razor sharp focused on overturning Trump, with a pitiful display of eye candy for his compatriots. Public appearances about non-existant,
extremely controlled and limited photo ops, no meaningful acces for the press,
Not much commentary on national news events other than main narratives.
Only trying to control the narrative and display a failing image that he is in charge.
Not a lot of explanations for this, maybe:
Total incompitance.
Worst advisors ever, no clue other than their orders to reverse Trump.
China is the worst at enforcing their will over their puppets.
I don't see the narrative of him being replaced by a double unless Jill has been replaced too. A wife wouldnt sit so naturally when under duress.
Body doubles and replacements doesn't pass the smell test. The more people who are in on it the more likely it will leak. There should be leaked videos everywhere, from our side showing the faker, and from their side trying to inform everyone.
K'mon, lets put some critical thought into this.
It appears that Biden's directive has been to plod forward to create a distraction for as long as possible while the military can eat at the foundation of the cabal.. Separately, it also appears that the Dems are trashing Cuomo so that their 'leaders' in the CCP can install one of their own plants into that seat. Deblazio is next. Watch for a career-ending discovery on deBlazio, real or not, so they can replace him. If you can get control of NYC, you're getting a lot of bang for your buck.