523 Now that's funny. Don't matter who you are. That's funny. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Hettymedia 4 years ago by Hettymedia +523 / -0 18 comments download share 18 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Haha. Pelosi must be close to panic stage now.
Did you see her afterward? She looked like an out of control emotional wreck.
She was just drunk
excellent anon ... EXCELLENT !
Trump has the best smile, absolutely genuine.
I needed that
Made me LOL.
Except Trump is 2 and 0
But these are minor details
Yes, but he's referring to Nancy's 0 and 2. That's how I read it. Different perspectives of the same item. That's what makes us unique.
LOL no we saw it the same way, I was just remarking how the joke was phrased in reverse
We just heard that Nan uses Gorilla Glue to hold her teeth in. Says she got the idea off You Tube.
the godliest meme
Doesn't 0 and 2 mean zero wins and two losses? And that's who he claimed to be? Kinda weak
It's Nancy's 0 and 2. Just different perspectives.
Can we get a DEPORT on this ForkYou person.. look at their history of responses. They are passive aggressively making fun of others on here nearly every single post... just look through them. They need to go.
Well ain't you a whiny little bitch. I can't call out a meme for being weak?