In defense of healthcare providers, I'm from Texas, and an RN that specializes in L&D. Yes, there are many conservatives healthcare providers. Many babies and women's lives are saved everyday by the Nurses, Dr's, medications, blood, fluids, platelet. etc. It's not all medication pushing. Does it happen? Absolutely! Do nurse get in arguments with Dr.'s over it? Absolutely! Our job is to defend our patients rights. The overuse of medications happens more in non-emergent situations.
In fact, the ICU just saved my brother from dying from Legionnaires Disease. He was always anti-DR and medication. His perspective really changed. This "COVID crap" is causing an increase in Legionnaires due to bacteria collecting in pipes, secondary to stagnant water in buildings that have been shut down. No ones talking about it...
Most healthcare providers despise the fact that the media is trying to paint this narrative that we are "heroes" to make people feel guilty so they will wear they mask, socially distance and get their vaccine..In fact, it pisses me off! The fake dancing videos really piss me off!
A great place to work is a birthing center..Most people want to stay away from medications and vaccines and are aware of what's going on. They are very busy because no one wants to deliver in a place where they have to wear a mask and can't hold their baby after it's born..Look into working there.
In defense of healthcare providers, I'm from Texas, and an RN that specializes in L&D. Yes, there are many conservatives healthcare providers. Many babies and women's lives are saved everyday by the Nurses, Dr's, medications, blood, fluids, platelet. etc. It's not all medication pushing. Does it happen? Absolutely! Do nurse get in arguments with Dr.'s over it? Absolutely! Our job is to defend our patients rights. The overuse of medications happens more in non-emergent situations.
In fact, the ICU just saved my brother from dying from Legionnaires Disease. He was always anti-DR and medication. His perspective really changed. This "COVID crap" is causing an increase in Legionnaires due to bacteria collecting in pipes, secondary to stagnant water in buildings that have been shut down. No ones talking about it...
Most healthcare providers despise the fact that the media is trying to paint this narrative that we are "heroes" to make people feel guilty so they will wear they mask, socially distance and get their vaccine..In fact, it pisses me off! The fake dancing videos really piss me off!
A great place to work is a birthing center..Most people want to stay away from medications and vaccines and are aware of what's going on. They are very busy because no one wants to deliver in a place where they have to wear a mask and can't hold their baby after it's born..Look into working there.