If you wanna be one, you already are. Because it's a mindset.
It would never occur to a true weak beta male to even want to be alpha, let alone have the guts to state such a desire.
Your alpha studliness arises and resides within the mind, manifesting physically only as necessary. You don't feel the need to go around starting fights and breaking shit to be alpha. You just...are.
We do what is necessary to do the right thing. We do not walk away from adversity, because it will only follow us, we know that. We are self-reliant. We will stand up for the weak. We will sacrifice for those timeless principles proven by the baptism of fire. Where we go as one, there are enough of us that will follow. We will overcome this.
If you wanna be one, you already are. Because it's a mindset.
It would never occur to a true weak beta male to even want to be alpha, let alone have the guts to state such a desire.
Your alpha studliness arises and resides within the mind, manifesting physically only as necessary. You don't feel the need to go around starting fights and breaking shit to be alpha. You just...are.
We do what is necessary to do the right thing. We do not walk away from adversity, because it will only follow us, we know that. We are self-reliant. We will stand up for the weak. We will sacrifice for those timeless principles proven by the baptism of fire. Where we go as one, there are enough of us that will follow. We will overcome this.