I've been thinking about "The Silent Majority" and trying to comprehend what exactly it is and what its role in all of this is. I've had a couple of really awkward conversations with siblings lately regarding covid and I think I understand their position better. I've got 7 siblings and we were all raised to be good citizens, doing our jobs well and contributing far more than we take from society. We're also very private with our thoughts and opinions, so we're often mistaken for having little to say. These awkward conversations ended with a change of subject when I casually mentioned that I thought covid was bullshit and the lockdowns were all wrong. I was stunned and couldn't comprehend how anyone related to me could think so differently but I think I get it now. The thing about people that are diligent workers, professionals, etc is that they have entered into an unwritten contract with the world, wherein they will keep their noses to the grindstone in exchange for being treated with respect and not subjected to bullshit. We don't want anything for free, we don't expect to be bailed out for our mistakes, we just want to be treated fairly. This means that we often assume that others are just as trustworthy, so we believe MSM, politicians, bureaucrats, etc, even though we have some doubts about them. It doesn't make us dumb, asleep or uneducated, it just means we still trust our leaders. It's part of the contract we've committed to. But there's a line that can't be crossed. When the core population realizes they've been lied to and that the "contract" was never honored by the other side, the absence of their contribution will be impossible to replace. I feel like there is a building unease in the populace, and when it reaches its limit it won't be expressed in the form of protests, looting or burning, it'll be a huge segment of the population just withdrawing their services. There is no way that this economy can support a majority of the population just taking. There must always be a core of determined, dedicated workers holding everything together. When the core realizes they've been lied to and that the "contract" was never honored by the other side, this whole charade will come to an end. Just a theory.
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Thank you it's a tpugh row to how.