You haven't seen her alive since then. I haven't seen her alive since then. But did you ask everyone in the world?
True. No funeral, but a memorial.
The guard at the capitol fired a gun in her general direction. But there is video evidence that strongly supports the notion that the line of gunfire at the moment of the trigger pull, before the recoil was no where close to her neck. If he was firing real bullets it should have hit her midsection somewhere.
There was basically zero blood. She supposedly got hit in the neck but there was no visible wound anywhere on her body in any shot. There was no blood coming out of her neck. There was no apparent blood on the flag around her neck. There was only blood coming out of her mouth (just like if she bit down on a blood pellet). After they moved her there was the most pathetic "blood pool" on the ground I've ever seen. A kleenix would have wiped up the entirety of her apparent blood loss.
Watch the video that's been posted. It gives all the camera angles in great detail. Turn off the sound if you don't want any other input. Look for yourself.
I said to watch it to get the camera angles. I said to look at my points yourself with the video evidence and to turn off the audio if you didn't want the bias. Yet you come back without a single address nor dispute on the points I made which are easily seen in the video.
Lets go through your facts.
Watch the video that's been posted. It gives all the camera angles in great detail. Turn off the sound if you don't want any other input. Look for yourself.
I said to watch it to get the camera angles. I said to look at my points yourself with the video evidence and to turn off the audio if you didn't want the bias. Yet you come back without a single address nor dispute on the points I made which are easily seen in the video.