I just got finished showing this shill how ridiculous his mathfagging was... he seemed to believe that everything is we know it is somehow linked to the devil (666)... even going as far as saying trump 45 = 666 (45/3 = 15 15 15... 1+5=6... 666) given enough variables, you can link anything together... I even linked his username to 666 that’s how ridiculous his theory is...
- Now, 17 flags or 17 airplanes, 17 = Q, this is a TRANSLATION, zero math involved... pure translation.
- linking a Q post with a date or time is NOT mathfagging... that is more coincidence (Qincidence)
- saying 45 is somehow translating to 666 is mathfagging
- I think the ONLY form of mathfagging allowed should be A NUMBER OR SET OF NUMBERS which were DELIBERATELY CHOSEN to resemble the outcome you seek... like the Microsoft patent for the vaccine (I think it’s the vaccine)
FINALLY, a phrase like “they knew what it was going to do” is conspiracy... define they... define it... define what it was going to do... using words like “they” without defining who “they” are is considered conspiracy, should be left at the conspiracy board, and should be extremely frowned upon here...
Giving you an upvote for this because I totally agree with it AND (IMO) it leads to the pseudo-math BS of gematria. And now that I think about it, almost all of that gematria BS has gone away with the anonymity of voat. Maybe voat going downhill had a few extra positives (flat earth !!)
I agree, earth is definitely flat. kek.
It’s shills.
Shills and idiots.
Different motivations; same effect.
I only pay attention to significant numbers if it's really in-your-face and obvious.
Like when Trump got on AF1 to leave after his final send-off and there were 17 US flags conspicuously placed behind him.
That’s not even math fagging fren... that’s just pure translation... 17 = Q ... it’s not like 16 + 1 or some bs... 17 just flat out translates over to the letter Q in their respective positions
Plus, with your 15 letter user name combined with that being your second message under this post (15+2, I think we can all do that math, right?)... I have to believe you are likely Q giving us some needed guidance.
Thank you!
How do you explain Biden's 17 EOs on day one?
While goofing around in the early 00s, I was trying to connect Microsoft to 666. I quickly found that the Hebrew number 666 written in the Latin alphabet is MSW as in Microsoft Windows.
This is just a funny fact with absolutely no significance.
In Microsoft Word's Wingdings font, the characters "Q33NY" translate into a plane, two documents, a Star of David and a skull and crossbones. Interesting coincidence!
Lol, when I was growing up fagging of any sort was frowned upon. Now there are fags everywhere!