These extremely expensive blood spatter rugs on Wayfair are very questionable to me, and if they’re so unique why are the costs so different when they look identical?
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kind of a unique name, so I just took a shot in the dark: https://oag.ca.gov/missing/person/leonid-jacobson
also, three identical pieces and two different makers? lol, no. just different abductors.
Three identical “one of a kind”. Went to search myself for due diligence and found this one too. I’m going to go throw up now.
wayfair one of a kind Mcfalls hand knotted traditional style gray rug
Omg I just saw this too it’s horrible! There’s also this same blood rug for $30k “One-of-a-kind Antin” WTF
Rug size = age?
Also one for eli, 8 by 10 for 10k. As for the ones that are 12 by 15 or whatever I had seen... Why so many that are claiming to be same material and same size, but ranging over 10k price difference? Suspect as fuck.
what is we all pooled money and bought one? We'd have plausible deniability thinking we were getting a rug, an d if they deliver a kid somehow we got them in a trap!!