These extremely expensive blood spatter rugs on Wayfair are very questionable to me, and if they’re so unique why are the costs so different when they look identical?
Autists Wanted

Umm what in the Fuck is this? No mother says shit like this!!!
How I got here I searched the product number on Google and the tmbfiles website pulled up. I search wayfair on tmb and the first link in the search took me to a video discussing wayfair as possibly sex trafficking. The mention searching the product number on yandex. I searched yandex. I picture of a child appeared in the images I click on the picture of the girl and this pulls up. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK!
No mother speaks this way about their child!
I'm a mom to four girls, if I'm talking about one of them I'll use her age not her weight or height that's just really weird to me. Another thing that bothers me is some of these poses she's having her child do, like the hand on her leg one that really disturbed me. I get the name of the size of clothes that makes sense if it's a fashion blog but you don't need that other personal information about the kid.
Oh also the whole "just farted" interjection seems like it's supposed to break up the weirdness for someone who isn't looking for something nefarious but a fashion blog. Humor makes uncomfortable situations more comfortable.
Maybe I am overthinking but I find the comments on her size and measurement extremely odd. And the sexual references as a red flag
These blogs are really old and Mommy vloggers hadn't gone full helicopter
The internet was roughly a safer place back then before full name social media and geotagging
NOTICE later blogs she posts her kids a lot less often and the pics are more candid
Also her husband is military
Yes, I agree but I stumbled onto other things while searching all this. I am tapping out before it's too late.