It’s terrible. Transgenderism is a mental disorder. Science is very clear male and female is decided by genes. Do they need to be shown love, absolutely. But the pros do not outweigh the cons when it comes to mission readiness. That is the mission of the military. On top of that taxpayers will be paying for anyone who want a surgery or hormone regimen. So regardless of the social aspect of it all, it is a lot of stuff to do just for one person. If you had a unit of like people just for them maybe. But even then you are playing favorites and no one likes that.
Excellent points made here thank you. It's not all about one person, we have to consider the effects of one's lifestyle choices when it comes to living and working in groups like the military. I dont want to pay for people's ttansgender care or abortions. There is a disconnect between reality and truth and transgenders have to deal with this disconnect wihtout stepping on the rights of others. Yes we need to always come at this topic with love and understanding. I survived childhood gender dysphoria without taking synthetic homtones or surgeries and Im so glad I didnt do those things to my body. It is possible!
Praise God truly for you not doing that to yourself. There is so much beauty in being who we are individually. We are all unique and when you get to know someone for who they are it’s ok that we are different. I have never personally lived through that and I can’t imagine but I do know that everyone just wants to be loved and we don’t find that love through society. It’s found in the people we surround ourselves with! I pray that more people come to your same conclusions about this topic because it breaks my heart to think if someone went through with a transition only to regret it and not being able to turn back.
It’s terrible. Transgenderism is a mental disorder. Science is very clear male and female is decided by genes. Do they need to be shown love, absolutely. But the pros do not outweigh the cons when it comes to mission readiness. That is the mission of the military. On top of that taxpayers will be paying for anyone who want a surgery or hormone regimen. So regardless of the social aspect of it all, it is a lot of stuff to do just for one person. If you had a unit of like people just for them maybe. But even then you are playing favorites and no one likes that.
Excellent points made here thank you. It's not all about one person, we have to consider the effects of one's lifestyle choices when it comes to living and working in groups like the military. I dont want to pay for people's ttansgender care or abortions. There is a disconnect between reality and truth and transgenders have to deal with this disconnect wihtout stepping on the rights of others. Yes we need to always come at this topic with love and understanding. I survived childhood gender dysphoria without taking synthetic homtones or surgeries and Im so glad I didnt do those things to my body. It is possible!
Praise God truly for you not doing that to yourself. There is so much beauty in being who we are individually. We are all unique and when you get to know someone for who they are it’s ok that we are different. I have never personally lived through that and I can’t imagine but I do know that everyone just wants to be loved and we don’t find that love through society. It’s found in the people we surround ourselves with! I pray that more people come to your same conclusions about this topic because it breaks my heart to think if someone went through with a transition only to regret it and not being able to turn back.