The Beatles were not satanic. There’s a difference between liking or being interested in creepy things and actually being satanic. Many people including Christians like to watch scary/fucked up movies but are not evil people themselves. Many people like to listen to heavy metal and throw the hand horns up in the air but are not evil people. You can be a metal head who likes scary movies and is a fan of the Beatles and be a good person.
Re: Melinda Gates: That's a man, baby!
The Beatles were not satanic. There’s a difference between liking or being interested in creepy things and actually being satanic. Many people including Christians like to watch scary/fucked up movies but are not evil people themselves. Many people like to listen to heavy metal and throw the hand horns up in the air but are not evil people. You can be a metal head who likes scary movies and is a fan of the Beatles and be a good person.
Kevin Kline has fallen pretty far.
The image of the Beatles is photoshopped. They're actually holding up some medal they received: