well its proof that either george has/had access to the key or has a really nice replica (former seems more likely)
i guess with tineye OP is trying to prove the image doesn't exist elsewhere online. This is interesting for sure but i wouldn't call tineye conclusive.
It's not just this, it's the very close up high rez images and footage of GEOTUS. It's the videos from inside stealth bombers and marine helicopters for example the video of the stealth bomber used in the superbowl refueling midair.
Their telegram is defintely worth a follow. Noteworthy stuff pops up almost daily.
Proof of what exactly?
Proof that George is not larp.
well its proof that either george has/had access to the key or has a really nice replica (former seems more likely)
i guess with tineye OP is trying to prove the image doesn't exist elsewhere online. This is interesting for sure but i wouldn't call tineye conclusive.
It's not just this, it's the very close up high rez images and footage of GEOTUS. It's the videos from inside stealth bombers and marine helicopters for example the video of the stealth bomber used in the superbowl refueling midair. Their telegram is defintely worth a follow. Noteworthy stuff pops up almost daily.
Fuck it, I’m joining telegram finally. This finally has piqued my interest completely
Enough stuff like this is what convinced us of Q
George posted another photo right after with their phone of the YT live chat https://t.me/georgenews/593
It seems like it's an odd choice for something to have a replica made of.
for sure. i think its real im just not going to call it that conclusively
Agreed, trust but verify always