This, its good to keep the hope/faith/etc, but in the mean time people need to be forming networks. Get a large group of like minded people together. You'll need friends when they start going door to door.
If youre absolutely by yourself, try to get in touch with your local minutemen. You'll need to know where to go to help or where to go to get out of the way. Our strength is in numbers.
But there are only three options.
Suck that hopium, mobilize and take back the country or watch it wither away.
Easy to see why people choose option 1
This, its good to keep the hope/faith/etc, but in the mean time people need to be forming networks. Get a large group of like minded people together. You'll need friends when they start going door to door.
If youre absolutely by yourself, try to get in touch with your local minutemen. You'll need to know where to go to help or where to go to get out of the way. Our strength is in numbers.