posted ago by SongDog ago by SongDog +23 / -0

As of February 15, 2021, we in southern Oregon have lost our internet connectivity for nearly 3 days now. CenturyLink is the major provider of internet in Oregon, and only those of us with access to a local network can see anything. Some folks are reporting a global loss of connectivity since CenturyLink is really Level(3) Communications.

Level (3) Communications is based in America and is now operating under the name CenturyLink. It provides Internet service via their Tier 1 network to Internet carriers in Europe, Asia, and North America. This is why we have seen problems with a range of services in the UK, Germany, and United States that all use the Level3 network.

If you are one of the lucky ones who is still connected and able to share information, please be aware that major sections of the west and maybe the globe might be experiencing a cyber attack. This is all I could really find on line on short notice since I should be doing my real job. https://www.product-reviews.net/down/level3-internet-outage-status/