Please spread the word that is NOT a legit site! EDIT: It was posted by a user who snatched it from TDW, being promoted by the gatewaypundit & may possibly be doxxing those who fall for it (see post below) EDIT: Documents appear to be part of court case on courtlister’s site.
Not only is this site asking for personal information, and donations - they’re going above and beyond they actually want a photo of you AND a copy of your ID!
The first submission is a clear portrait picture of your face. Use good lighting to illuminate and center the image on your whole face. Don't wear a hat, glasses, or mask or any other object around your head for the picture. To help our staff please ensure that in the portrait picture your person resembles that your Photo ID. The second submission is of two pictures including the front and back of your photo ID.The address on your photo ID must match the address where you were registered to vote at the time of the 2020 Election. Don't allow shadows and use good lighting to illuminate the whole ID. Ensure the image is well focused and the text is legible.
It’s an extremely poorly written site - but we know that won’t stop some unlucky soul from falling prey to this.
Also posted by users: User posted whois data to show the site checks out; not based in Venezuela or China:
My POINT IS: It’s clear that everyone can’t pick out scams! This isn’t just some site scamming people for donations - they’re actually collecting pictures of those of us who KNOW the election was a fraud! I haven’t confirmed - but the site was registered BEFORE there were any public claims of suing Dominion.
PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THIS SITE! Patriots are getting taking advantage of and marking themselves.
xxxxx Message To The Vulnerable on this site who probably fell for it xxxxx Please know that you will never be asked to donate to help cover legal fees in a class action lawsuit. And not all class action lawsuits are nationwide, so if your state hasn’t filed a class action suit as some others may have, your day will come! You have to be a member of the class the lawsuit is scoped for. Lastly, class action lawsuits are court approved. The defendants are almost always required to NOTIFY the class - especially when the class membership is known. Here are a couple of sites I check at random to see if there’s any class action lawsuits I may be a classmember of. These sites typically have lawsuits where the entire class can’t be easily identified (but they’re always announced in some news media): |
CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP - worked out, thanks!
EDIT documents seem to part of case file available here: . Honeypot directs people to site to follow the case. Need to verify if this site is actually doxxing people who submitted affidavits; It’s way past my bedtime - I’m running on fumes.
After getting it pointed out that people would actually believe calling the number listed on the site proves it’s true - I uncovered the historical landmark the firm’s ‘office’ is based out of - but - a quick skim through the docs that appeared to have been uploaded... these would be too much effort for the site creators - different writing styles - I think they’re real!
On a more cheery note (minus the Qanon association)... check out Exhibit 5 representing Q - his emphasis, not mine: 26. Q of Qanon is believed to be a US Military Intelligence Operation that offers detailed information about Government Corruption and other topics through a sophisticated anonymous chat board that is then aggregated and disseminated though a number of channels, with being one of the many channels. Facebook has stated that “we’ve removed about 1,700 Pages, 5,600 Groups and about 18,700 Instagram accounts representing QAnon” and that the purported reason for doing so is that Qanon is a “violence-inducing conspiracy network.” 27. OF PARTICULAR IMPORTANCE is that Facebook (and other Qanon censors) NEVER mention any of the nearly 5,000 Q posts (since 2017) as justification for censoring Facebook Users, Pages and Groups! That’s right, not EVEN ONE POST by Q is used as an example that Q “incites violence,” “advocates for violence” or is “tied to violence.” NOT ONE POST. Surely, if Q was posting dangerous information that would influence researchers to violent acts then there must be at least one post – ONE POST – that Facebook could point to that would prove their assertion that Qanon is a “Dangerous Organization.” But they cannot, and do not, because it simply is not true.
I won’t call out his name here, but dude who submitted Exhibit 5 seems to have a decent online presence - he can pay it forward by helping to expose this scam. These people probably don’t even know the affidavit they submitted are visible on the site. Hopefully it just doesn’t get any worse than this.