Power outages,
record freezing storms,
earthquakes in Japan,
governments falling apart worldwide,
Myanmar military take over,
Trump wins impeachment case,
facial recognition technology accelerating and already implemented in China,
children committing suicide from lockdowns,
mass arrests of human traffickers weekly,
banks panicking,
unemployment rising,
dollar collapsing,
silver shortages,
crackdown on Trump supporters,
fake news collapsing,
Tesla cars exploding in China,
protests erupting worldwide,
UFO disclosures,
Biden physically deteriorating before our eyes,
vaccine passports coming,
sex dolls replacing lovers,
people losing the ability to connect with one another,
corporations and companies are merging to get ready the final push of control,
gun ban legislations being written,
election fraud case coming to SCOTUS,
Gavin Newsom recall,
Andrew Cuomo impeachment and thrown under the bus,
Jussie Smolett indicted,
Dogecoin shilled by Elon,
Pelosi announces 9/11 style commission to investigate capital riots,
Hedge funds colluding with trading platforms,
Pro sports viewership down in record numbers,
ISIS returning,
DNA of millions being sold,
Billions mindlessly watching TV and playing games to keep themselves distracted,
every level of government corrupt and filled with trannies,
Satan trying to appear strong when he is weak,
And we the people, waking up in masses.
The show wasn’t meant for everyone.
This is only the start.
It doesn’t get easier. It wasn’t supposed to be easy. It wasn’t going to be easy.
Strap yourself in for the long haul.
You are the last bastion of truth. Without you, the world falls. Without you, all is lost.
Without you, the plan fails.
Dramatic? Unfortunately not. It really is up to the truth sayers, the truth followers.
Not the angry, not the spiteful, not the vengeful, not the violent, but the ones who chose love and patience.
You were chosen for a reason.
We were meant to survive. We were meant to win. We were meant to persevere.
You were not given more than you can handle.
You were the one who can handle the truth so it was given to you.
The precipice is on its way.
*Hold onto your dark sense of humor