Killing Osama Bin Laden(5/11)---> Zero Dark thirty(12/12)
Benghazi(9/12)---> 13 Hours(1/16)
9/11 (9/01)---> United 93 (4/06)
Edward Snowden (2013)----> Snowden (6/16) ???????????
Killing Osama Bin Laden(5/11)---> Zero Dark thirty(12/12)
Benghazi(9/12)---> 13 Hours(1/16)
9/11 (9/01)---> United 93 (4/06)
Edward Snowden (2013)----> Snowden (6/16) ???????????
It goes back a long time. There was an operation back right after WWII where during rebuilding Italy they held an election for their new president. The US didn't want Russian communism to swoop down into Italy and so they enlisted likes of The Rat Pack and Julie Andrews and whoever else was popular at that time to make commercials to plug the US backed candidate. I can't remember the name of the op off the top of my head. To be honest with you that's probably the least questionable thing the alphabets have ever done but unfortunately I think it led to the co-opting of the entertainment industry in America and led to the protection of the Pedo rapists we know today.