Killing Osama Bin Laden(5/11)---> Zero Dark thirty(12/12)
Benghazi(9/12)---> 13 Hours(1/16)
9/11 (9/01)---> United 93 (4/06)
Edward Snowden (2013)----> Snowden (6/16) ???????????
Killing Osama Bin Laden(5/11)---> Zero Dark thirty(12/12)
Benghazi(9/12)---> 13 Hours(1/16)
9/11 (9/01)---> United 93 (4/06)
Edward Snowden (2013)----> Snowden (6/16) ???????????
Yes, they write the history after the fact to establish the storyline they want us to remember and to teach our kids. But they also seem to preemptively lay out their scripts as well. I'm not sure how to interpret this, but it's terribly intriguing.