We speak of term limits which we know will never happen, hell there doesn’t even see, to be a reasonable movement demanding it. The more I look at the bags of meat the more I realize there should also be a AGE limit.
They have an age requirement to enter offices why not to leave. You can’t tell me that an octogenarian is as sharp and even in touch with the times. Imagine giving your 80 yo grandfather an iPad for the first time then letting him design the manual in which the entire country uses.
Term limits, age limits. Out with RESIDENT biden
Well part of the problem is NO ONE is supposed to have the power that the feds have now. But more to your point, I see nothing wrong with having old people as congressmen, senators, and presidents, as long as there aren't dementia issues.
They have a wealth of experience to pull from, and as I get older I see how general life experience can translate into a surprising number of areas, it's especially noticeable when you work with youth.
No, you don't want gramps being a technical writer, but hopefully gramps is wise enough to recognize his shortcomings and lean on others expertise. Honestly if you just gave an iPad to most people, they'd only discover like 40-50% of the features. If you needed a manual written, you'd really need a specialist to do it.
The problem isn't their age, the problem is they lack ethics, morals, and convictions. These are things that can affect any age group.
As an old person I agree. Moreover I would point out that our education and mindset was firm before all the NWO indoctrination started and modern woke education was turning brains into TV receptors, and consequently we have a better perspective on history developing because we remember a completely different world. Of course this experience factor is the main argument against term limits. I would suggest that if lawmakers didn't have so many perks normal people don't, fewer greedy scoundrels would be attracted, and if they faced the same consequences for their actions and shortcomings (e.g. being demented) as nirmal people, they would be weeded out.
Also, the problem now is that they hide their infidelities from the public. Seems like being on any kind of dementia medication should bar you from holding public office. But I don't know how that could be made legal due to privacy laws.
The floors of house and the senate went from being where debate happened to where theater is performed. The decision making moved from in public in from of everyone to backroom deals. We, as the American public allowed this to happen.
As for the dementia meds, even that should be ok, as long as it can keep everything under control, but requires a populace to be engaged and watching. That's what Q is all about, MAGA represents the people that are waking up. The red pill really is a apt metaphor, as you come out of the matrix only to realize that things really are FUBAR.