I just finished paying off my student loans. I could’ve chosen to do public service loan forgiveness but I decided I prefer my freedom. So glad I did, and so glad free college isn’t coming yet.
I don’t care about your mistake, what the f are you talking about ? I thought they re-did bankruptcy so the plebes could never shed student loan debt ?
LMAO! I see more buyers remorse on the horizon
I just finished paying off my student loans. I could’ve chosen to do public service loan forgiveness but I decided I prefer my freedom. So glad I did, and so glad free college isn’t coming yet.
Edit: fixed PSLF
Public foregiveness ?
Public service loan forgiveness. Will fix
I don’t care about your mistake, what the f are you talking about ? I thought they re-did bankruptcy so the plebes could never shed student loan debt ?
Biden has always been a lying piece of shit.