Abortion is murder. It’s a proven scientific fact that a new human organism is created at conception. Either you believe all human organisms are created with equal inherent rights, or you believe our rights are merely arbitrarily granted by whoever happens to be in power over us based on arbitrary criteria such as race, gender, age, location, mental/physical abilities, etc.
As for exceptions, there are none that should be tolerated. No child deserves the death penalty for the crimes of their rapist father.
Also, killing your preborn son/daughter because your health is at risk is like murdering your teenage son/daughter because you need to harvest their organs for a transplant to save your life.
Hypothetically if you were in a burning building and there were 6 unborn fetuses being grown and 6 children and you only had time to save either the children or the fetuses what would you do?
That’s irrelevant to the fact that abortion is murder. What if in your scenario it was 6 black adults vs 6 white adults? What if it were men vs women? What if it were teenagers vs elderly? What if it were 6 elderly Christians vs 6 young Satan worshippers?
People need to learn how to take a win when they get them instead of trying to claw for more.
The reason the left keeps winning is that it has been a slow crawling corruption through the years, taking every single win they could and changing the culture while they did so.
You'll never sway someone from the other side with behavior like that..but you can with a middle ground law like this that appeals to sensibility of both sides.
Abortion is murder. It’s a proven scientific fact that a new human organism is created at conception. Either you believe all human organisms are created with equal inherent rights, or you believe our rights are merely arbitrarily granted by whoever happens to be in power over us based on arbitrary criteria such as race, gender, age, location, mental/physical abilities, etc.
As for exceptions, there are none that should be tolerated. No child deserves the death penalty for the crimes of their rapist father.
Also, killing your preborn son/daughter because your health is at risk is like murdering your teenage son/daughter because you need to harvest their organs for a transplant to save your life.
Hypothetically if you were in a burning building and there were 6 unborn fetuses being grown and 6 children and you only had time to save either the children or the fetuses what would you do?
That’s irrelevant to the fact that abortion is murder. What if in your scenario it was 6 black adults vs 6 white adults? What if it were men vs women? What if it were teenagers vs elderly? What if it were 6 elderly Christians vs 6 young Satan worshippers?
Personally I'd save the children
Dude he couldn't even honestly answer that.
That's sad.
People need to learn how to take a win when they get them instead of trying to claw for more.
The reason the left keeps winning is that it has been a slow crawling corruption through the years, taking every single win they could and changing the culture while they did so.
You'll never sway someone from the other side with behavior like that..but you can with a middle ground law like this that appeals to sensibility of both sides.