174 God rest his soul. No coinkydinks. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Madteacher 4 years ago by Madteacher +174 / -0 31 comments download share 31 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I feel the same way. I can get behind some of the things that get linked together but something like this? No. You can’t possibly convince me that Q predicted this would happen. Sometimes it IS just a coincidence
This is stupid as fuck. I'm a q supporter through and through. This is NOT a Q proof.
Q did NOT predict this. This is a a "Dan Scavino" Q reference.
This place is no longer what it used to be. Can't tell if it's just stupid people who mean well, or shills who appear as stupid people.
Either way, RBG Proof, John McCain Proof, that's the good shit. This is like buying weed and getting oregano. NOT a Q Proof.