358 People called me crazy for predicting this would happen (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by damnsonq 4 years ago by damnsonq +358 / -0 81 comments download share 81 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
if this plandemic dystopia is continued much longer, someone is going to need to start selling "vaccination certificates".
Someone posted a link not to long ago showing just how to make one
Yup I downloaded the file I can upload it again if needed.
where did you find it?
Could you repost it or PM me a link? I went to share the link I had for the guy who posted below you but now it’s 404’d.
I should have saved a local copy the first time
Could I please get that file? Thanks!
Was that link posted here? Did I miss that?
I dont want to live with paperworks. Is it me or am I remembering Les Miserables
haha, it makes me think of Nazi Germany, especially in movies.
"Papers, please..."
That’s EXACTLY how they sequestered them in Poland initially.
It was for public health.
Piers Morgan is already calling for one publically. So are plenty of other public figures and Hollyweird people.
wow, I thought he had a shred of common sense more than the average public figure. But I guess being a prat comes first, lol