Can we compile a list of all Hollywood celebs who hate America and/or are pedophiles so that we can boycott them and expose them? I'll start with a few.
Jim I-Carey-too-much-about-Trump
George Clowney
Whoopi "it's not rape rape" Goldberg
Oprah Losefrey
Johnny DeppState
Robert De(vil worshipping) Nero
Alec Baldlose
Sith Green
Sith Rogen
Mark Camel
Quentin "that 13 year old wanted sex" Tarantino
James "definitely not a pedo" Gunn
Who else?
Trump haters, Actual meaning, Hollywood scumbags that have been cut off from raping children and no access to adrenochrome for 4 years, everyone mentioned above plus: Bette Midler Steven Spielberg Ron Howard Samuel L. Jackson Helen Hunt Liv Tyler Chris Evans Don Cheade Mark Ruffalo Madonna Entire table at the View Brie Larson The Rock A lot of WWE wrestlers Susan Sarandon Colbert & Kimmel Kathy Griffin Scarlett Johansson The list goes on and on...............