I would love to have access to all his archives, can you imagine what a historical reservoir. I think it would be fun to just pick random dates and remember what politics was like in a simpler time.
They should put the Rush Archives in GEOTUS presidential library when it’s done eventually. Actually here’s an idea, GEOTUS should move the capital put of DC, break DC back into its constituency states to be Re absorbed and make the White House his presidential library ? Quickest way to drain the swamp is to break it open completely and there would be so much reeeeing and salt it would bloody hilarious. Make the White House a national monument with his library a part of it
I would love to have access to all his archives, can you imagine what a historical reservoir. I think it would be fun to just pick random dates and remember what politics was like in a simpler time.
They should put the Rush Archives in GEOTUS presidential library when it’s done eventually. Actually here’s an idea, GEOTUS should move the capital put of DC, break DC back into its constituency states to be Re absorbed and make the White House his presidential library ? Quickest way to drain the swamp is to break it open completely and there would be so much reeeeing and salt it would bloody hilarious. Make the White House a national monument with his library a part of it