(Fair warning: I've been 100% wrong 100% of the time!)
Here's my question: we've been thinking maybe DC is occupied, Biden is playing house, all these EOs are to wake up the liberal sheep, right?
Ok, if the military is going to pull a Burma-type Op to retake control from an illegitimate puppet, wouldn't they need to act within 30 days on Jan 20th? Because it takes 30 days for an EO to be enacted? So, after the 30 days, the EO goes into effect and Biden is no longer just playing house... the destruction of America becomes a reality.
And if EOs are enacted, then maybe there's not a military op coming to save the day. But then again, why would the NG still make DC an occupied zone?
Any thoughts?
Everything you mentioned is exactly why I still believe that something is going on behind the scenes...I just don’t know what, yet. We’ve been presented with too much evidence indicating that Biden is illegitimate. Too many instances where no other viable explanation will suffice. We’ve also been given many Q nods that really help bolster our movement while things are so murky.
But while we see this puppet government playing house, I also see BS like Elaine Chow’s sister (Mitch’s sister in law) get appointed to the board of a Chinese bank. Then again, maybe this is another narrative shaping up to wake up the masses?
Sounds like I need to check out Wicktor and X22. While, I would love for a Myanmar-esque reckoning, most normies would freak. Whenever this plays out, the most important part of the operation will be the messaging and optics because taking back a country won’t matter if most people are still asleep and apt to give it away again.