Map and better understand racial inequity
Location intelligence can help build a more equitable and just world where a person's race or ethnicity does not impact their outcomes. Mapping and GIS can provide insight into patterns of inequality and bring communities together around a common understanding to drive change.
Oh, I can think of several ways they can use this data to continue to perpetuate their racism narrative... They’re using every tool in the box, doing everything they can to keep us divided by our social identities. They’re desperate because they’re losing control - people are finally waking up to the truth. This jig is up! Lol
Oh, I can think of several ways they can use this data to continue to perpetuate their racism narrative... They’re using every tool in the box, doing everything they can to keep us divided by our social identities. They’re desperate because they’re losing control - people are finally waking up to the truth. This jig is up! Lol
It’s on their homepage: